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trained pilot中文是什么意思

用"trained pilot"造句"trained pilot"怎么读"trained pilot" in a sentence


  • 受过训练的飞行员


  • A notable improvement in ore yields has been made , especially in the hands of a well trained pilot
  • Nsawc personnel train pilots and ground personnel , assess the results of that training , and recommend requirements for future training programs
  • It will initially build under licence diamond ' s da40 single - engine planes , and later its twin - engine da42 , both of which are used to train pilots
    该公司目前拿到的是钻石单发机型的制造许可证,后期会再生产双发da42 ,两种飞机都用于飞行员训练。
  • More importantly , when its hard - trained pilots have been poached by its competitors , an airline will be embarrassed by the problem of pilot shortage , which is more than a slim sum of transfer fee
  • Angered by the japanese aggression against china , the overseas chinese in the united states launched a campaign for national salvation , setting up aviation schools in portland and san francisco to train pilots for china
  • We need different people for the many kinds of work ; we need doctors , road builders , train pilots , airplane pilots , mechanics , and most of all , farmers of spiritual food . these are few in number . master laughs
  • Flight training pilot license , flight training night rating , flight training imc rating , flight training multi - engine rating , flight training seaplane rating , flight training mountain flying , flight training helicopter , aircraft hire , aircraft charter , pleasure flying , aerial photography , banner towing
    飞行员取得执照的飞行培训,提供夜间培训、 imc核定分级、多发动机培训、水上飞机培训、山间飞行培训、直升机培训及包机培训等。
  • The budget major new investment in education and skills such as the delivery of twenty first century facilities in primary schools and significant investment in further education colleges , and plans to enhance workforce skills including continued support for the employer training pilots
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